I switched over to Jess, only to find her (very unsurprisingly) already inside Hanna's apartment.
The fact that she wasn't there when I left Hanna is secondary.
They chatted for a while, and then went to bed. Jess decided to pinch Hanna's bed, but Hanna didn't like that and ended up passing out on the floor.
Jess had barely been home for five minutes before Hanna wandered on over.
Tara also appeared in the hallway for once, so I sent Jess out to meet her.
Obviously, Hanna followed.
Then Tara followed them back into the apartment, while they ignored her to talk to each other.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the old lady is at it again!
Tara was still there when Jess got back from yelling at the old lady, so they sat down and had a chat,
Also, this is what Jess's apartment looks like!
Jess, having the City Native aspiration, went down to do some city native stuff!
Having the Cat Hangout as a lot trait was a terrible idea. There's just cats everywhere.
So many cats!
This made me laugh so fucking hard; Hanna just invited her out to a cliffside in the middle of the night. I mean, it turned out to be a midnight rave which is actually pretty cool, but at the time I didn't know that and thought it was ridiculous.
This guy looks he wants to hit on Hanna.
Hanna looks like he wants to hit him.
Finally, she puts her clothes back on.
And then gets dance-y~!
But Hanna had already left by this point and Jess has hungry again, so I gave up and sent her home.
And then, because it's summer and boiling hot, Jess decides that her pjs and summer clothes are both still too hot, and the only reliable way to cool down is to get into the buff.

And then Hanna invited Jess out again, to throw some shapes in Windenburg. I think.
She ended up just getting into a dance off with Miko.
No idea who won.
The next morning Hanna comes over, again, and Jess, finally in a flirty mood, tries seducing her.
It didn't go all that well, though their relationship has now moved into the pink!
I then sent them down to the Romance Festival, because come on guys!
Though, apparently, it doesn't count.
Getting them back into the building, Jess goes over to say hi to Rosie.
And gives Hanna and a key to her apartment! You know, at long last.
And they're going out again. It's singles night!
Guys. Take the goddamn hint.
I got them to exchange numbers, which is adorable, but also useless because don't they already have each other's numbers?
I'm just desperate at this point, I really am.
I finally give up; the option to have Hanna move in has been there for ages, and while I've considered it, I also kind of wanted them to date for a while? But they're also obviously meant for each other, so this is now their apartment!
I really love this apartment and layout, which is why I chose Jess's apartment over Hanna's.
The pastel vibe and super cute kitchen, not to mention the curtains and the lights and askjdhfkajshdf I love it.
Look at these two dopes, bffs living together totally oblivious they're both in love.
With Hanna's old apartment empty, I threw Lacie into it! I have no idea what my plans are for Lacie (plans???? what are those), but she really, really gives me athletic bro vibes, so I might end up taking her out, changing her up, and plopping her back in.
In fact, I'm gonna do that right now.
Well, once Tara is back from the Hot Ladies Association group dance ;)
I freaking love her.
Look at this domestic bliss; two Very Inspired idiots doing what they love.
Ah yes, lets do some sit ups before bed.
Jeff would be proud.
Still working on Hanna's aspiration, I send her down to the art gallery while Jess is at work.
We check out those three paintings, then it's home to work on stage three; MASTERPIECES.
When Jess gets home, the two get their flirt on...
And finally make it official!
Again, in the spirit of wanting to make these two 'organic', I waited until at least one of them had rolled the wish to have their first kiss. I think, actually, in this instance both of them wished for it!
Hey, Lacie's here again!
I can't wait to play as her.
That's it for Jess's rotation!
I'd love to tell you what they completed, but I have no idea. Thankfully, they're finally girlfriends!
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