It’s been a while, huh? I played this rotation a good few months ago, so I’m not entirely sure what’s actually happening here.
It’s summer for the Vampy Girls, which is bound to be a sure fire disaster! As long as nobody ends up on fire, I’m happy.

Tara and Candy have moved out! I plopped them into another of my not-sister-in-law’s houses, this one having been designed as if it was a house built of two storage boxes. It’s cute, but I’m not entirely sure it’s very “them”.

Tara is truly putting on her best clothes for their moving day.

They also live right across the street from Hanna and Jess! I’m planning to put them all on the same cu-de-sac, if I can get them all into houses I think truly fit them!

They now have a pool, but there’s also more lighting issues going on around here, so it’s kind of dark out here right now.

Turns out Tara swims in a hat.

They’re super cute together. I love them.

Candy’s working on the Joke Star aspiration (I took her out of the acting career, though not entirely sure why I threw her into this one), so Candy spent 90% of this rotation talking into a microphone.

Lacie appears, so we give her a key. A ‘residence’ key.

She proceeded to stick around to listen to some of Candy’s really bad jokes.
You can see the pain on her face.
Tara, on the other hand, totally loves her dumb girlfriend’s bad jokes.

Lacie disappears, then reappears a few minutes later holding a kettle???

Which apparently turned out to be a lump of clay, so she spent the rest of her visit playing with it.
I have no idea where it came from, or how Lacie found it.

Candy’s pregnant!
I really wanted another couple to have a kid, and given that these two are the only other real couple… badda bing, badda boom.

Lilith showed up on the doorstep, but given this is a house of vampires, she didn’t really achieve much.

This kitchen is so cute!
To Tara, spaghetti is really hard to make. Vampires.

Candy was the next one to find the clay and fall victim to its hypnotising clay-y ways.

I realised quickly that I’d left the treadmill out here, and that it was a terrible, terrible idea.

And so it got moved somewhere considerably more safe for a vampire.

While Tara’s at work, a heavily pregnant Candy pops over to visit Hanna and Jess.

She had a good ‘chat’ with Beth, so I think she’s ready to be a momma!

Going for a jog in the neighbourhood you don’t live in, Lacie?

How convenient for her that one of her Bros happens to be living in that neighbourhood, so she could invite herself in and coach said bro.

Or, you know, work out with them.

And then it was time, for the dumb vampy girlfriends…

To become dumb vampy wives!

Well, technically they’re only dumb vampy fiancees right now, but I love them.

Woohoo as bats is pretty cute. And a little weird.

Candy managed to get sick again, so she spends the next couple days chugging orange juice until she felt better.

I hate this piece of clay.

It’s go time!

The newest future hot lady is Morgana Hensley!

Candy is proud of her creation.

Candy is also hella gay for her girlfriend, and totally at her mercy.

And they were so in love that they got married on the spot. I’ll throw a wedding for one of my couples one day, I swear.

I aged Morg up pretty quickly, but it was so long ago that I don’t actually remember my reasoning for that!

Isn’t she cute!?
I gave her Wild as her toddler trait, because I felt like it fit her party mothers pretty well, and it also wasn’t one that went to one of the twins.

She definitely has Tara’s chin, which pains me, but she’s so CUTE!

Lacie stops by, only to come and angrily yell at the stuffed bear.

Lacie is not interested in children, only in being a child.

Everything is about Morgana right now; the vampy wives totally adore her.
Adorably realistic, Candy spends a lot of time just coming up to watch her sleep.

Opening up the game again for the first time in a million years, I opened up Rosie’s household (only to find out it was friday and I needed to go back to Tara) and found her showing this truly epic look.
I know it’s not really relevant at all, but I just couldn’t leave it out.

Synchronised Vampire Wives.

Guess who’s moving back into an apartment!?
I really didn’t feel like the house suited them in any way, shape. or form, so I decided to move them into their own apartment now that Jess & Hanna’s second flat is now empty.

I like this place a lot better for them. It suits them so much more, and there’s no real risk of them going outside and setting themselves on fire the entire time.

While Morgana was asleep and Tara at work, Candy took a day out in the city.

She then tried to come home and feed her starving daughter, only to find the Welcome Wagon standing right in the damn way.

She got food in the end, so all was well.

I gave the girls a yoga mat, it was actually mostly for Candy, but Tara managed to get herself very stressed out and took herself off to use it and de-stress.

Candy: And I – I will always love yoooooOOOOOU!

In the last day of their rotation, Morgana decided that clothes were no longer for her – she spent the entire day running around in the buff, including (but not limited to) watching her parents talk, playing with the tablet, eating, sleeping, and dancing.
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