Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rotation Seven; Moore

Fall in Sulani looks pretty much the same as it does in every other season, which is really cool actually!

I turned Nalani into the gay mermaid, simply because I could.

Something subtle I've been doing with Lucy since she moved to Sulani is changing her skin tone.

I started just by taking off the vein overlay I had on her, and then this rotation I changed her up to a very pale custom skintone so she'll gradually start looking more human.

The sun is good for pale little zombies.

I tried to get a couple of Hot Ladies Association gatherings going, but none were particularly successful.

I added a mod around this time that upped the cap on clubs to around 50, I think. I've added all the girls into the HLA, plus a few extras.

Such as this boy; nobody knows him as they've only ever met him once and then promptly forgotten him because he's a giant social recluse.

He turns up to the gathering, then decides to hide behind the slushie machine at the bar.

The bar didn't work for whatever reason, so we switched back to Lucy's house.

After seeing all the weenie roast shenanigans in Heather's game, we determined that I had to throw one to see what happened in mine.

Except nobody showed up unless I called a group meeting. So I swiftly abandoned that idea for a little while, and invited the club over.

Candy: Anyway, here's Wonderwall.

It was all very cute (and a little scary with how many of them there were crowded around that thing), until the fire dances started.

Nalani set her foot on fire, and the Miko was off with her own moves.

Followed by Andy...

Then Lacie...

And then Jeff.

It was ultimately very chaotic and very cute, though.

Another rainy day out on Mua Pel'am has Lucy splashing around in wet sand with wet plants. 

But it's not all bad news;

But as for these two, I'm starting to think it might be bad news. These two are just not into each other, I'm not even entirely sure they've really interacted since Nalani moved in.

Lucy spends a brief stint as a nudist for some reason I'm yet to discover, but I suppose that's her prerogative as a crazy outdoor plant lady.

Candy left her guitar behind for whatever reason, which Nalani promptly picked up and started learning herself.

The whole song of the sea thing that mermaids can do?

So cool!

I think this is the second time this has happened? I'm not actually sure what it is, other than it came from nowhere and apparently can fit into Celestial Crystal Crowns,, whatever the hell those are.

Nalani has to throw a Kava party for her aspiration, so we made a crack at that this rotation.

However, it seems that beach lots are bugged with parties still, because nobody showed up. Again.

Lucy had a fine time on her own, though, until I eventually called the HLA up and hoped that would work.

It didn't.

But it was still cute seeing them all hanging out on the beach together.

Harvest Fest was extraordinarily boring in this household - I did enough to not have sad moodlets and then just left the rest of the day go by.

Finally I was able to have Lucy evolve some of her plants, but sadly it was only three and not the five she needs for her aspiration. 

But, it's a start, and we've still got a way to go on the rest of her aspiration anyway.

Sophie stopped by (she's in the Summary Post if you can't remember her!) - I can't remember if I invited her over or what, but she followed Lucy around to chat about plants.

After she left, Lucy wished to send her a "Happy Text", and this happened!

Being that they'd gone to the same lot as the Garden Gnomes, and that Sophie's a loves the outdoors gal, I had Lucy invite her to join them.

I didn't screencap her response, but it was "Are you kidding? I'd love to join Garden Gnomes!"

They got on really, really well.

With Mua Pel'am on the way up, we now get to chase away flocks of seagulls!

Rosie invited Lucy out to the romance festival, but Rosie has a habit of inviting you to things and then immediately vanishing, so I decided to take Sophie with her.

For obvious reasons.

It was fairly uneventful for everyone; Lucy made a few suggestive jokes to Sophie, who I think was in some kind of negative mood and so wasn't really that receptive.

And right at the end of the night, Miss Garden Gnomes - Moira - turns up and throws a bunch of petals over Lucy.

Rotation Seven; Hensley :: Rotation Seven; Delware

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