The dumb not-vampy wives and their Jock-Bro child are moving! I wanted them to have a bigger place now that Morgana's getting older.
I ended up accidentally giving her the same size bedroom as she has in the flat now, but I didn't really put anything in it - next rotation has them getting a small house upgrade anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
I built this one!
It's cute, and I'm actually pretty proud of it. It's possibly the first fully completed house I've ever built that I didn't immediately hate on sight, which is saying something.
Polly didn't even give them chance to get settled in before she turned up to say hi.
The only thing left for Candy needs for her aspiration is to max out her Comedy Skill. Because of that, she's pretty much just chained to the microphone.
Morgana left to go to school quite some time ago, but apparently Candy's comedy routine was far too distracting for poor Polly, who skipped maybe the first few hours before she finally escaped.
It's time! Lets see if mine live up to Heather's...
Too many people are gathered around the fire for comfort, but that's what happened in Lucy's rotation and nobody died then, so... I have hope.
Will turned up at some point, which is thoroughly unsurprising; I'm pretty sure Candy wants Will & Morg to get together, and I'd say Morg's got a little crush on Will because so far he's the only one she's rolled any wishes for.
Well, that's too bad.
I was seriously beginning to think that I was going to get lucky, and my Weenie Roast was about to end without any fires, and then this happens.
As everyone knows, your chair catching fire is only a minor inconvenience.
What a wonderful end to a wonderful Weenie Roast.
I think they actually managed to get gold on this event, giving them that rustic chess table. It's nothing particularly special, but it definitely means I don't have to buy one for Morgana or Tara.
Wait, what the fuck?
What the fuck?
So apparently, after a perfectly reasonable and calm Weenie roast where the only thing that catches on fire is Hanna's chair, Andy up and fuckin' dies on me. She wasn't even there when Hanna's chair fire started, so I have literally no idea how that happened.
Turns out I also hadn't saved before the weenie roast even started, so when I reloaded the save we had to start from the top.
The second time around I took away their chairs as a precaution; it took a long time for Hanna's chair to take but I still didn't want to run the risk again.
Candy still managed to immediately light her arm on fire.
And Lucy nearly froze to death.
Thankfully, they all managed to cope perfectly well without chairs.
Bro hugs all round!
Severe moment of panic, but I swore to myself that I'd let it go and see what happened. For science, of course.
These two are too much.
And naturally, there was another fire.
It wasn't even something logical like Candy's guitar, someone's chair, or one of the sims. No, it was a fucking plate on the ground.
I think not! Be good children!
It seems that Polly is totally onboard with her future girlfriend, while Morg is probably still hung up on her childhood crush on Will.
Morgana is being forced into a hard push to beat the Whiz Kid aspiration; level 10 mental skill is going be the hardest thing to get from her.
Christmas was a truly quite affair in this house; I'm getting reeeeally tired of these big holidays at this point, but it's also Morg's first Christmas so I had to do something.
Sadly, I have no idea what she got; I didn't bother to screenshot that one, though I didn't find anything inside her inventory to tell me what she got.
Here's the rustic chess table!
Covered in snow, because I decided to put it outside for some reason.
Candy the cryptid is back at it again.
This is not a sensible thing to do in the winter, ever. Are your butts not freezing!?
I see you, Jeffery Winchester.
At least it's cute, if still a little weird.
Me and Heather whenever these two are within 20 feet of each other: π π π π π
*deep sigh*
You Winchester boys are not subtle. Your children are embarrassed.
π π
Look at these dumb cuties!
Cas: Da-ad, you're embarrassing me!
Good god, Jeff, take your poor dog to the vet! Stop stalking your perfectly fine children and take your sick dog to the vet!
I caught the two losers in their crossover - it's literally as bad as it looks, they do this surveillance in shifts.
Happy New Years, Hensley's!
Aspiration Summary;
Tara; Renaissance Sim COMPLETE
Candy; Joke Star COMPLETE
Morgana; Stage 3 of Whiz Kid, two tasks to complete.
Artistic Prodigy COMPLETE
Social Butterfly COMPLETE
Rambunctious Scamp COMPLETE
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