I know winter just ended for Lacie & Jade, but as the last season played for the Hendricks was also spring and I ended up with four households last rotation instead of three, I decided to just skip a season and move on to summer.
Then, starting from this rotation, all households will play through the same season – so when I start messing around with the number of households I have it won’t affect the seasonal rotation.

The Hendricks start this rotation with a new house! Like Lucy’s, it’s also by MsGryphi – it’s cluttered and adorable and exactly in my style, so they’re living here now.

And immediately the tots pass out on the porch.
In their defence, I was planning their birthdays and had changed all the toddler beds out to normal kid beds.

Their Paraneighbour counterparts are already teenagers, so it’s time to catch them up.
Paraneighbour Will is already dating, and Hot Lady Will hasn’t even started school yet…

I really do need to figure out how to make the lighting in here less obnoxious, but happy birthday to the babies.
They get to share a cake, because apparently because you can do that now!

Here they are! Will’s a sad little loser, and Beth’s a strong independent lady.
Will picked up Geek and the Whiz Kid aspiration, and Beth picks up Outgoing and the Social Butterfly aspiration.
Will also gets Top-Notch toddler, and Beth only gets Happy Toddler, because she was about 2% away from maxing her final skill and I’m still mad.

They both spend the rest of the afternoon being children and playing out in the garden.
That’s one thing I do give TS4 major props for – the toddlers and children in this game just seem so much more alivethan they did in TS3. I’m not just sat here waiting for them to age up, which is so nice.

They’re precious.

Hanna is the first one to find the yoga mat in the bedroom, which is something I did not see coming.

It’s still weirdly dark out, but Hanna’s now working on her Super Parent aspiration by being able to hug it out with the kiddos when they decide they want to pour paint all over the floor.

Jeff took Hanna to see a band called the Evil Beavers later in the day; apparently they had a really good time.

Beth tried to clean up a mess in the garden one day, and instead got the mop stuck to her hand for a little while.

Lacie just let herself in through the back gate at one point in the afternoon; didn’t bother to knock or come in the front door or anything.
I love her.
Side note – her hot weather look needs updating now I have like 90% of the packs.

These two are weirdly close.
I swear twins are not supposed to actually like each other this much.

Hanna is also the first to find the hot tub, which is thoroughly unsurprising.

Will was the first one to interact with Hammy the Hamster, and apparently he was in a foul mood because he bit Will on the nose.
Will now has no friends, not even the hamster likes him.

Will is also the first to encounter the monster under the bed, and like the giant loser he is, is unable to talk to it and goes to wake up an adult.

Except Jess spraying the monster isn’t good enough for him to actually believe the monster is vanquished, so off he goes to disturb Hanna.

Who proceeds to spray the wrong bed.

It wasn’t until this rotation that I realised the April update had added a freelancer career! I know I could send Hanna back to work, but I actually quite like having her at home, so I turned her into a freelance artist!

A heatwave hit this summer, so the twins took turns to lounge in the kiddie pool. Even Hammy was lounging around, although that was in his own food bowl.
I might build these guys a pool one day, or maybe just send them to the local one.

Where do you sleep when it’s too hot to sleep in your bed? The hot tub, of course.

Every. Single. Night.
Without fail, every night this poor sucker wakes up because of the monster under his bed.

Turns out Hammy likes everyone in the house except Will.
Maybe Hammy’s the monster under the bed.

Hammy adores Beth, and Will appears to be mightily jealous.

Umbrellas inside is bad luck, Beth!
This kid keeps getting stuff glitched into her hands – first it was the mop, now it’s umbrella.

Oh my god, Hammy hates him so much he won’t even take treats from him!!
That’s truly hilarious.

Yeah, that’s not going to help your case with the hamster, is it?

I swear to fucking god.

You know what, Hanna? With Will as your son (and he very much is your son), I don’t blame you one bit.

Everyone’s feeling permanently tense at the moment, and the yoga mat and mud baths can only do so much, so I decided to take them all on holiday to Granite Falls.
Turned out to not be much of a help, because there were constant thunderstorms here.

The rain didn’t deter the twins from sitting around the campfire and roasting marshmallows and hotdogs.

Will went off collecting things and looking at the sky, and Beth went off for a soggy hike.

Lacie turned up at one point?? No idea what she was doing out here, but she didn’t stay long either.

There she goes!

This place is so pretty, even if is raining 90% of the time right now.

Jess gets struck by lightning trying to take the trash out that night, and then spends the rest of the night sitting cross-eyed at the table eating her bowl of peas.

Beth takes herself out on another nature hike the next day, because the weather finally clears up, and I take way too many pictures of it.

While Beth’s out wandering around in the countryside, the rest of the family gathered around and played horseshoes together.

And then they all sat around telling campfire stories, and it was ridiculously adorable.

Until we nearly set Beth on fire.

Everyone, including a random ghost nobody invited, ran round to the front of the house and panicked instead of actually doing anything about it.
Luckily it eventually burned itself out, but we lost a chair. Tragic.

Hanna disappeared for a while, but I then found her halfway across the park running around in the rain.
Until she got struck by lightning, of course.

It seems that Hanna wasn’t the only one to get struck by lightning that afternoon; Jess did too, if the cross-eyed expression and sparks flying off her have anything to do with it.

Jess spends the last few hours of their holiday cleaning up the lodge and cooking herself some dinner.
Apparently I don’t have any pictures of their return, but as they came home on the last day of their rotation and I simply moved on, it’s not important.
Aspiration Summary;
Jess; Stage 3 of Master Chef, one task left to complete.
Hanna; Completed stage 2 of Super Parent.
Beth; Stage 2 of Social Butterfly, one task to complete.
Will; Stage 1 of Whiz Kid, nothing complete.
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