It’s Winter for Lacie and her girlfriend, Jade Rosa! I never really showed her makeover last rotation, or really anything to do with her at all.
I think I was mostly just bitter because I really wanted the relationship between Lacie and Summer to work, but Lacie was determined to tank that one into the ground.
Jade really and truly grew on me this rotation! She is an Ambitious, Outgoing, Neat freak. She starts with the ‘Mansion Baron’ aspiration, so has the bonus trait Business Savvy, but I’ve swapped it out for World Famous Celebrity.

And let’s not forget the little puppy Whisper! My little active, loyal Pit Bull sleuth.
Honestly, my whole last rotation for Lacie was all kinds of a disaster, so we’ll just move on to this one and pretend that didn’t happen.

Lacie is currently in the Culinary/Mixology career, hence her weird uniform there. She’s working on stage three of the Master Mixologist aspiration – but we made literally no headway on that this rotation 

Taking a trip to the Luxe Health Club (fancy!), Jade books herself in for a yoga class and Lacie beelines straight towards the nearest workout machine.

This was my favourite pose when I did Pilates, too.

Guess who’s moved house!?
Yeah, that’s right! Given that Lacie’s apartment barely fit a double bedroom with the way I had it laid out, and because I wanted some extra rooms I decided to move them into Rosie’s old apartment!
The lot traits are Needs TLC, Penny Pixels, and Sunny Aspect.

I tried to go for a “cosy but sophisticated bitch” kind of vibe? It’s very obvious that Lacie did not decorate, as she’d live like a frat boy if given half a chance, but what I imagine to be Jade’s style.

This is the chilled zen room for everyone to meditate and for Whisper to sleep in.

Lacie’s messy gym bitch room!

And the ultimate Fancy Bitch room, their bedroom! That’s such a poor shot of that vanity thing I pieced together – it was basically impossible to photograph well, but I’m actually really proud of myself for putting that together; it’s the shoe racks from Get Famous, plus a dresser and some kitchen cabinets.

I ended up having to move Whisper’s bed from here to the foot of the bed, because the damned loyal puppy couldn’t bear to be away from her mothers.

We had a Magic Tea machine hanging around in the family inventory, so we busted it out for Jade.
The first tea ever made was Oolong tea, and just made me think of B99.

With Jade now having a job in Social Media, Lacie now has time to work out and play with the puppy.

But it’s time for Whisper to be a puppy no longer. Lacie, with a brief intermission to get down and do some pushups, heads down to the vet to pick up an “age-up treat”.
Little weird, but hey, this is the sims.

Isn’t she cute?

Jade’s the first one around to start Whisper’s training, and is adorably pleased when she actually listens to her.

Oh, look who’s here!
Lacie is 100% the chosen one of the Paraneighbour bunch; they adore her and they’re always here.
Jeff doesn’t know what to this of Jade, she’s too fancy for him.

Luckily Andy’s here to mediate conversation between the two.

And then Lacie gets home and everything is okay for poor Jeff.
God, if Lacie and Alec’s work hours overlap, that must be a terrible time to be Jeff.

They’re made for bro-other.

Despite having learned to “go potty” outside while she was a puppy, since aging up Whisper has suddenly become incapable of leaving the apartment by herself.

They’re so in love.
As bitter as I was about Lacie’s determination to utterly destroy her relationship with Summer, I have to admit – the girl knows what she wants and she goes for it. And what she wants is Fancy Bitch Jade.

Lacie takes Whisper out for a run, and comes across a sleeping Lucy…

And a traffic accident with what appears to be a floating car.
Just a normal day in San Myshuno, huh?

Obviously, the best thing to do when you see a box of stuff on the side of road is to rummage through it to try and find some valuables.

Life’s going really well for Jade right now.

Whisper, apparently, is suddenly afraid of the bath tub – or maybe she’s afraid Jade’s going to drown in mud while trying to nap in the bath.

The roaches really helpfully spawned in the one external space I’d walled off for ~aesthetic~ purposes, meaning they now have this lovely hole in their bedroom wall.

Jeff’s here, so I guess Alec’s at work. Jeff’s probably gotten lost so many times on the way to the gym, so he’s decided to skip that all together and just go to Lacie’s. He knows how to get there, after all.

I know these are two actions overlapping, but you cannot tell me it doesn’t look like Andy’s grabbing Tara’s boob.
Both of you are married.

Jeff: *looks into the camera like he’s on the office*

Jeff likes to hug everyone, even if the person being hugged doesn’t actually want to touch him.

It seems I’m not the only person that Jade’s growing on; Jeff’s appears to be adopting her into his crowd of bros. That’s his best bro’s girlfriend, after all, he’s gotta support her!

Oh Lord, looks like Jade’s become the latest vampire snack.
Though, with him dressed like that, I’m not surprised he needs to resort to breaking into women’s apartments in the middle of the night to get some blood.

Buff Bitch Lacie and Loyal Pup Whisper are both super helpful and defensive in this situation, warding off the attacker with ease.

It’s Winterfest! With Whisper’s bed moved into the girl’s bedroom, there’s room for me to put up the first ever Hot Lady Christmas tree!
They put presents under it, decorated it with the blue and white festive butt plug, and then exchanged presents.

This was supposed to be from Jade to Lacie, not the other way around (maybe I hopped over to Lacie and the popup swapped?), but this is so truly adorable and possibly the moment I fell in love with this (Lade? Jacie?) relationship.

They had a pretty low key and romantic/highly successful Winterfest together.
Lacie’s a surprisingly good cook for someone who would live off mostly pizza if given half a chance.
Jade strikes me as the kind of person who eats kale and salad in public, but then comes home and eats her girlfriend’s leftover pizza.

Jade spends a lot of time feeling energised due to the Sunny Aspect lot trait, so has been joining Lacie on her workouts and roughhousing with Whisper.
It’s all kinds of adorable.

Father Winter turned up to give the girls their gifts, and Lacie got something truly great.

Father Winter sits on a throne of lies.

Aha! Puppy’s bed has finally migrated across the flat and into the main bedroom, where she’ll now (hopefully) actually sleep on it instead of sleeping on the sofa.

After a bunch of googling, I realised barking hearts means Whisper is in heat, so it was time to run her down to the vet and have her spayed.

Except the Vet proceeded to stare at her for most of the day until I just ended up sending them both home. After some more googling it turns out that getting your pet spayed is bugged, and it’s actually just easier to edit them in CAS. So I did that.

We got a rat! His name is Bertie, and he gets sorely neglected for the rest of this rotation.

That’s a first for Jeff.

Lacie, half asleep: Jeff, are you still there?
Jeff: …. no?
Lacie: Do you need me to call Alec?
Jeff: …. yes.

Jade has a new hobby – she’s going to be a Beauty Guru! I’ve never experimented with the Video Station before, and she got a popup about an opportunity involving uploading a video, so I decided to have some fun with it.

Speaking of things I decided to have fun with, it’s New Year’s Eve and it’s party time!

Jeff incorporates smelling the flowers into his dance routine.


Everybody hugs…

… and Lacie gets down on one knee!

Surprising nobody at all, Jade says yes. Hopefully they won’t elope by themselves while I’m playing other households (they probably will) and I’ll be able to throw these two an actual wedding!

This may be entirely unrelated; but every time Lacie and Jade kiss, Jeff cheers them on.
Little weird, very Jeff.

I have no idea why this glitch keeps happening, or why it’s only between Jade and Jeff, but it does lead to some hilarious ideas.
Lacie, however, is super happy her bro and her wife-to-be are getting on so well.
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