Coming in hot to Tara and Candy’s summer rotation, which I know was the same as their last rotation, but this time they’re inside an apartment so I doubt anyone’s going to suffer.

Baby Morgana is having a grand time in the new apartment, she loves the stereo and being able to dance. It’s pretty much all she does now!

Tara got invited down to the Flea Market by someone I can’t remember (they never showed up, either), and the only thing of interested we found down there was Will, who appeared to be on his way home.

Morgana is the very definition of a wild toddler; she’s always out making messes and she’s never where she’s supposed to be.
Very adorable, though.

The pride update came out while I was playing this rotation, of course I put up flags everywhere. General pride flag for general pride, the lesbian flag for Tara, and the bi flag’s up there somewhere for Candy.

The Pancakes have moved into the big apartment across the hall, and desperately want to be friends with Candy and Tara.
I, on the other hand, desperately want them to go away. They won’t take the hint.

Jade hangs out here for a while, where she’s quickly joined by Lacie.

Apparently Lacie cannot bear to be anywhere that Jade is not, because she ignored Tara completely and just beelined directly for Jade.

Jade is less clingy, and is totally happy to chat with Morgana.

Lacie is not happy with this plan, so she tries to upstage everyone by trying to get married in the middle of someone else’s rotation.

Candy is a much more dedicated mother than Tara; Tara loves Morgana for sure, but Candy is Best Mother.

Tara’s been levelling up her vampire abilities, to the point where she’s now got the weakness of only being able to sleep in coffins.

I also didn’t get a picture of it for whatever reason, but Candy refuses to turn off the radio when she’s at the computer. I did turn it down, but not before Jade came over to give Candy a talking to.

Candy told her to fuck off, so Jade came in to eat their food instead.

Lacie was finally given a key to the new apartment; she acts like she owns every house anyway, she might as well have a key to this one.

This isn’t the most fascinating of Hensley rotations, it’s literally just been me keeping an eye on Morgana!

It was also around this time in the rotation that I cured Tara and Candy.
Using cheats, of course, because the in-game method to curing them was so long and arduous, and I just didn’t want to play with Vampires anymore. It’s a lame excuse, I know, but oh well.

Morgana dance pants is having a great time this rotation.

The Pancakes have been super needy this rotation; I think they’re holding loud parties just so that they can get Candy or Tara’s attention and then act like the best neighbours ever.

Lacie, you smug bitch.
Lacie is also desperate for attention this rotation; not only does she want to get married in the middle of someone else’s rotation, but then she shows up and breaks Tara and Candy’s computer.

While I was battling with MCCC and getting Morgana to actually stay in bed, I managed to come across this fella.
As one does.

These guys are so sweet, my little blonde family 

Ah yes, that’s how I normally read books. Chewing on them.
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